How to improve family relationships
in 3 simple steps

How are your relationships
with loved ones?
Do you ever feel that your relationships with your loved ones are not what you would like them to be? And do you think it would take a lot of time and effort to improve them?
In fact, the most profound changes in our connections often come from the simplest actions. It's interesting how we tend to overlook the 'basics' and look everywhere else for the 'recipe for better relationships'. Even more worrying is the fact that we take these basics so much for granted that we forget to put them into practice or assume that our loved ones already know them, making the conversation completely unnecessary.
Based on workshops, lectures and one-to-one mentoring with more than 12,000 teenagers, parents and teachers, we have discovered three simple steps that will make a profound and lasting difference in your relationships with your loved ones.
Urša, mother of two boys
The new eBook
By making simple changes, you can improve your family relationships and create a sense of togetherness and harmony. In our new eBook "How to improve family relationships in 3 simple steps" you will find practical tips and exercises to help you improve your relationships with your loved ones.
What does the eBook contain?
We also explain why the techniques described work and why they are beneficial for you and your loved ones.

Elizabeta, mother of three
Kaj še prejmete
ob nakupu eKnjige?

Znanje izkušenih mentorjev
Na delavnicah in predavanjih v živo smo odgovorili že na več kot 12.000 vprašanj najstnikov in staršev z 98% stopnjo zadovoljstva.

15-minutni klic z izkušenim mentorjem
Vi delite izzive v vaši družini, mi poslušamo in skupaj najdemo rešitev.

Zabava za vas oziroma celo družino s kljukanjem in sledenjem.
Tjaša, mamica dveh otrok
Ali ste pripravljeni na
izboljšanje vaših odnosov z najbližjimi?
Cena eKnjige
Kako izboljšati družinske odnose v treh preprostih korakih
Obljubljamo, da bodo ti trije koraki izboljšali vaše odnose do neprepoznavnosti, če jih uporabljate vsak dan vsaj 21 zaporednih dni.
Are you ready to
improve your relationships with your loved ones?

There are 168 hours in a week and it is important how we spend them. These three steps will take 5 minutes and 25 seconds per week for a family of four. But it's up to you to judge whether it's worth it.
We promise that if you use them every day for at least 21 consecutive days, these three steps will improve your relationships beyond recognition.