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Where young people
find their way!

With transformative programs, we help teenagers find answers to their challenges. Our programs are unique, practical and highly effective. - Hero Image


of our programs


Satisfaction rate
with our programs


Cooperation with organizations
in Slovenia and abroad

Če nočeš nekomu nekaj povedati ali vprašati in te je strah, napišeš to na list in noben ne ve, kdo je to napisal.

Najstnik - Stars

Če nočeš nekomu nekaj povedati ali vprašati in te je strah, napišeš to na list in noben ne ve, kdo je to napisal.

Najstnik - Stars

Če nočeš nekomu nekaj povedati ali vprašati in te je strah, napišeš to na list in noben ne ve, kdo je to napisal.

Najstnik - Stars

Če nočeš nekomu nekaj povedati ali vprašati in te je strah, napišeš to na list in noben ne ve, kdo je to napisal.

Najstnik - Stars

Če nočeš nekomu nekaj povedati ali vprašati in te je strah, napišeš to na list in noben ne ve, kdo je to napisal.

Najstnik - Stars

Če nočeš nekomu nekaj povedati ali vprašati in te je strah, napišeš to na list in noben ne ve, kdo je to napisal.

Najstnik - Stars

Če nočeš nekomu nekaj povedati ali vprašati in te je strah, napišeš to na list in noben ne ve, kdo je to napisal.

Najstnik - Stars

Če nočeš nekomu nekaj povedati ali vprašati in te je strah, napišeš to na list in noben ne ve, kdo je to napisal.

Najstnik - Stars

Kaj je ZaLife?

ZaLife je projekt, ki s svojimi programi podpira in pripravlja mlade za življenje ter jim izpolnjuje željo po več realnih pogovorih in pristopih za življenje tekom odraščanja. Ustanovitelj Jernej Picelj in ekipa ZaLife verjamemo, da prihodnost sveta stoji na miselnosti mladih.

Namen projekta je podpirati in izobraževati najstnike in starejše za vsakdanje življenje. Udeleženci so v naših programih slišani, razumljeni in cenjeni za to, kdor oni zares so. Poleg tega pa je cilj projekta tudi podpreti odrasle, da izboljšajo svoj odnos z najstniki.

Sodelujemo s šolami, posamezniki in njihovimi starši. Pridemo pa tudi v podjetja, kjer zaposlene starše podpremo, da izboljšajo svoj odnos z najstniki doma.

Naše poslanstvo

Podpreti mlade po vsem svetu pri kreiranju njihove miselnosti, ki jim bo v današnjem času omogočila izpolniti to kar si sami želijo in kar jim je zares pomembno. - Thumbs Up 1

What is ZaLife?

ZaLife is a project that supports and prepares teenagers for life with its programs and fulfills their desire for more realistic conversations and approaches to life as they grow up. Founder Jernej Picelj and the ZaLife team believe that the future of the world rests on the mindset of young people.

The purpose of the project is to support and educate teenagers for everyday life challenges. In our programs, teenagers are heard, understood and appreciated for who they really are. In addition, the project also aims to support adults to improve their relationship with teenagers.

We collaborate with schools, individuals (teenagers), and their parents. We also collaborate with companies, where we support working parents to improve their relationship with teenagers at home.

Our mission

To empower teens worldwide to shape their mindset, enabling them to achieve their goals and prioritize what truly matters to them.

Število udeležencev:

Maksimalno število udeležencev je 7

Starost udeležencev:

Bootcamp je namenjen najstnikom, starim od 13 do 18 let.


28.4.2024 - 3.5.2024


Nova Vas nad Dragonjo, 6333 Sečovlje


Povezava do lokacije

Vrednost Bootcampa:

600€ za prijave do 20.3.
700€ za prijave do 10.4.
800€ za prijave po 10.4.

Prijavite Se Na BootcampKontaktirajte nas

Število udeležencev:

Maksimalno število udeležencev je 7

Starost udeležencev:

Dve starostni skupini:
13 - 19 let
20 -25 let

Termini na voljo za prijavo:

30.6.2024 - 5.7.2024 (13 - 19 let stari)
14.7.2024 - 19.7.2024 (20 - 25 let stari)


Villa Olivia,
Nova Vas nad Dragonjo, 6333 Sečovlje


Povezava do lokacije

Vrednost Bootcampa:


Prijavi Se Na BootcampKontaktirajte nas

Program for young people


Individual mentoring - Mentorstvo Legenda za Življenje / Mentorship Legend For Life

One of the biggest challenges for parents during adolescence is understanding and connecting with their child. Despite parents' strong desire to support and connect with them, they often don't know how to approach it. This is where we step in, supporting you and your teenagers. Through years of working with teenagers, we've discovered that sometimes they need to talk to someone who isn't directly involved in their lives. The aim of mentorship is to ensure that teenagers are heard and supported in what matters to them.


Youth leadership - Leadership Bootcamp Image

The Youth Leadership Bootcamp aims to empower participants to become confident and effective leaders in their personal and professional lives. Through a combination of workshops, activities and mentoring, teenagers will develop essential skills such as communication, decision making and goal setting, while building resilience, teamwork and confidence. Bootcamp provides a supportive and transformative environment where participants can discover their strengths, set meaningful goals and unleash their full potential.


Discord community - Discord skupnost image

Join our ZaLife Discord community and discover a supportive environment for personal growth and development! Connect with young people who share similar challenges and goals, and take advantage of the opportunity for individual mentoring and participation in exclusive programs. Together we will overcome obstacles, share experiences and encourage each other on the way to success. Click the link below and become part of our growing community! 🌟

Collaborate with us

Collaborating with us means partnering with a dedicated team committed to making a significant difference in the lives of teenagers. Our approach combines practice-based knowledge, tailored programs and a strong community focus to ensure success for every participant. Here are some reasons why you should consider working with us:

Proven Expertise & Impact-Driven Results

With years of experience in youth development, our programs are designed by experts and have a proven track record of success. We boast high satisfaction rates among participants, with 95% reporting significant improvements in their skills and confidence.

Customized Solutions

Every teen is unique, and so are our programs. We tailor our offerings to meet the specific needs of each participant, adapting our methods based on real-time feedback and cutting-edge research. This personalized approach ensures that every individual receives the support they need to thrive.

Strong Community Focus & Continuous Support

We are dedicated to building a supportive community where teens can connect and grow. Our programs foster a nurturing environment, and our commitment extends beyond program completion with ongoing support and mentorship. This ensures lasting positive impact and continuous development for all participants.


I felt heard and like finally an adult understood me, and we could ask alot of things without being judged.


I started thinking more realistically. I saw that I'm not alone withthis problem!


Because I gained focus and a vision of what kind of person I want to beand what I want to do in life and how. Many solutions for life and it gave meknowledge on how to achieve my goal.


The workshop impresses by allowing students to ask anything thatinterests them growing up, things they can't ask at home or have a hard timediscussing with older people.


Well-executed lecture with real-life examples and provided solutions.


The lecture answered multiple questions for me. I became aware that mychildren are truly copies of my husband and me.


Frequently asked questions

Here, we address the most common questions about our programs and services. If you have any other queries, feel free to reach out to us directly.

What programs do you offer?
We offer a variety of programs focusing on personal development, academic support, and extracurricular activities designed to help teens thrive.
How can I enroll my teen in a program?
You can enroll your teenager by visiting our contact page and completing the online application form. Before that, we suggest that you book a free call with our mentor via the link on our website, where you can entrust us with your challenges and together we will find out which program is the most suitable for your youngster.
Are your programs available online?
Yes, many of our programs are available both online and in-person to accommodate different needs and preferences.
What is the duration of each program?
The duration of the programs varies; some last 1 school hour, while others last several months. Details are available on each program page.
How do you tailor programs to individual needs?
We assess each participant’s needs through initial consultations and ongoing feedback to customize our approach and ensure effective support.
Who are the mentors?
Our mentors are experienced professionals in education and youth development, dedicated to guiding teens towards success. You can learn more about us on the link
How can I track my teen’s progress?
We provide regular updates and reports to parents, including progress assessments and feedback from instructors.
Can parents get involved in the programs?
Absolutely! We encourage parental involvement through workshops, meetings, and events designed to support the entire family.
How do I know which program is right for my teen?
We suggest you book a 15-minute call with our tutor via the link on our website. During the call, we will find out together which program is the most suitable for your needs. We also recommend joining our Discord community for additional information and support.

Contact us - mentorji / mentors ZaLife 1

Parents often confide their challenges with teenagers in us. Despite their strong desire to support and connect with them, they often don't know where to start.

If you are facing similar challenges with your teenager, know that you're not alone. We invite you to contact us, share your challenges with us, and together we'll find a way to support your teenagers to become confident, responsible, and individuals full of life.

We support young people by talking without holding back about the everyday challenges of life. If you have any questions or need help, just contact us.